This portfolio shows the drastic examples of how shutter speed effects a photo.
Water Balloon, 2013: I used the sport mode of my camera, which uses fast shutter speed to capture objects in motion. To enhance this image, I increased the contrast, cropped the size of the image, added an inner shadow, and the filter angled stroke.
Balloon 2, 2013: I used the sport mode on my camera to capture the balloon as it popped. In order to add a liquid-like effect to the image, I increased the contrast, decreased the saturation, cropped the image size, added an inner glow, and completed the photo with a plastic wrap filter.
Ball of Light, 2013: in this photo, I used a slow shutter speed to show the path that the light travelled in one frame. I edited this picture by increasing the contrast and adjusting the saturation of the image.
Light Collage, 2013: I used seven different light drawings to create my collage, but edited each photo individually by taking parts from each one and using them several times in the collage to create patterns. I applied the brush tool, gradient tool, magic wand tool, and the eyedropper tool.
Shutter Speed
This portfolio shows the drastic examples of how shutter speed effects a photo.