Rule of Thirds- This looked like it could be viewed in three different ways, with the light, the dark, and the colors. I thought that was rule of thirds.
Framing- This doesn't represent framing, I wasn't sure what it was.
Line- Pencils are lines, right? I guess this is a line portrait.
Value- I don't know if this is value, I just thought it was an artsy picture.
Emphasis- This represents emphasis because the focus of the picture is on the ball, while there is plenty of background space that is blurred.
Fast Shutter Speed- This represents fast shutter speed because the shutter speed was fast enough to capture the object in motion, without any motion lines.
Close Up- This represents a close up because it is focused on one minor detail of the object.
Silhouette- This represents a silhouette because it is the outline of a figure without any of the color in it.
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Framing- This is not framing; my bad.
Balance- This represents balance because the colors and lighting are similar and nothing seems to stand out.
Negative Space- This represents negative space because there is plenty of space around the focus of the image that is still noticeable, but not the main focus.

This is my baseline assessment for the Intro to Photo class.

Jack Donahue
Student Jersey City, NJ