Waterballoon, 2013. In photoshop i used exposure to change the tint of the full picture.
WaterBalloon, 2013. In Photoshop i used Photo Filter to make the picture lighter because I felt it would make it look better and i believe it did.
Ball Of Light, 2013. My camera settings were at 1/500 in my camera and my ISO was on 300. In Photo Shop I used the Vibrance tool to enhance the picture because i thought if the picture looked a different color it would look nicer.
Light Collage,2013. I applied five different light drawings to create my collage. I applied Exposure to this image in Photo Shop.
Shutter Speed

Shutter speed means how long the camera takes a picture. A fast shutter speed keeps the camera taking the picture for a short time and a long shutter speed is for a longer portion of time.

Jack Bushey
Student Jersey City, NJ