Washer fluid cap for the van. A master was made on the SLA, molded then cast.
Washer fluid cap durometer casting. Each color is a different durometer of urethane. They range from 40 shore D to 90 shore D
Sprinter Van Door Bumper. A master was made by hand using band saw, and a disc sander and hand files. A heavy texture was applied using clear coat and left to dry. The part was setup for molding and pins were used for the through holes. Shore 70D urethane with black pigment was used as casting material. A rubber gasket was applied to the bottom and it was bolted to the van doors. A real world application.
Two cast parts bolted to the van doors
Two cast parts bolted to the van doors
Breaking down my bike for paint.
Tail pipe guard and two grab bars after paint. Guard was blasted, then a uniform brush was applied to the metal. A Triumph vinyl mask was applied and Polane paint was sprayed. The parts were then baked to cure the paint to achieve the maximum strength of the paint.
Parts replaced on the bike
Miscellaneous Projects
Jake Rosek
Prototype Engineer // Model Maker Madison, WI