Maher Marketing Website Design and Development - Strategy, Art Direction, Design and all Production of the Maher Marketing Website. Website was built using wordpress as a CMS, integrated blog and over 10 widget areas. Custom theme design and development.
Connect Direct Website Design and Development - Strategy, Art Direction, Design and all Production
Zad Mobile Website - Delivered: Website Design and Development
Epicor Demand Generation Campaign - Delivered: Art direction and design of entire “Business without Barriers” campaign concept , design & layout of microsite, emails, print, banners including flash components. Campaign microsite also included a comment engine as well as star ratings.
Daptiv Demand Generation Microsite Design - Delivered: Art direction and design of entire campaign concept , design & layout of microsite and emails including flash components. Design of all print direct mail.
Accelent Consulting Website Design - Accelent Consulting Website Design, Strategy and Development
The Pachera Group Website - Delivered: Website Design and Development
Dorman Associates Website
Brondell Website - Delivered: Website Design
GTNexus Website and Flash Design - Delivered: Website Design and Development, Flash Demo
United Pet Group Website - Delivered: Design and production of the 8in1 product line website. Custom CMS website will product catalog and admin control panel.
Tricycle Website Design and Development - Delivered: Strategy, Art Direction, Design and Production of the Tricycle Records Website.
Connect Direct Website - Connect Direct Website Design
Hewlett Packard Lead Generation Landing Page
Marineland Website - Marineland Website, Backend Catalog CMS system
Tempo Products Website Design & CMS - Delivered: Strategy, Art Direction, Design and Production of the Tempo Products Website. Includes a custom CMS product catalog and admin controls.
Website Design
Don Joslin
Owner / Creative Director at J3design San Anselmo, CA