Poster-A-Week Project – Civil War Battlefield - Designed to commemorate a visit to Chickamauga, GA.
Poster-A-Week Project – The SP 2472 at Niles Canyon - Nothing like seeing a relic from the steam era. The SP 2472 is a beautiful restoration of an old train. This poster captures the feel of a vintage postcard. Imagine writing about your memorial Day 2009.
What would you say to a young designer who boasted that he was taught to be "revolutionary" and that "old designer" didn't know how to be creative. Well, I'd reply...
Poster-A-Week – F-Bombs - Not proud to say that my 20-year old son inspired this poster. Can't remember what he was ranting about but the it was F-this and F-that.
Poster-A-Week Project – Baseball Blues - Poster inspired by the old Letter Press poster like those of the "hatch show print."
Poster-a-Week Project
Ken Camozzi
Creative Director/Art Director San Jose, CA