1/2 page horizontal ad created for skin care company Shamanuti (shamanuti.com). All brand assets (fonts, logo, images) were provided by the client.
1/2 page horizontal ad created for skin care company Shamanuti (shamanuti.com). All brand assets (fonts, logo, images) were provided by the client.
1/2 page vertical ad created for skin care company Shamanuti (shamanuti.com). All brand assets (fonts, logo, images) were provided by the client.
Pages 1 and 2 of 6-page advertorial created for natural supplement company Neocell (neocell.com). All brand assets (fonts, logo, images) were provided by the client. Copy was created by in-house Organic Spa Magazine copy writer. Using these components I designed the first draft of the advertorial layout, as shown.
Pages 3 and 4 of 6-page advertorial created for natural supplement company Neocell (neocell.com). All brand assets (fonts, logo, images) were provided by the client. Copy was created by in-house Organic Spa Magazine copy writer. Using these components I designed the first draft of the advertorial layout, as shown.
Pages 5 and 6 of 6-page advertorial created for natural supplement company Neocell (neocell.com). All brand assets (fonts, logo, images) were provided by the client. Copy was created by in-house Organic Spa Magazine copy writer. Using these components I designed the first draft of the advertorial layout, as shown.
Organic Spa Magazine advertisements

This is a sampling of advertisements and advertorials designed for advertisers at Organic Spa Magazine. I worked directly with clients to collect brand assets, develop concepts for campaigns and create unique designs that ran in our print and digital issues.

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Ivy Garrigan Monroe
Brand Design & Graphic Standards Specialist Cleveland, OH