Fictional Company Stationary - Ironskull Ilustration & Design - Project for Graphic Design Class - Fictional company stationary - including envelope , letterheads and several business cards - unfortunately i could only upload photos of the printed work the actual files had become corrupted and i was unable to recover them.
Book Cover - Arcane Compendium - A fictional book cover i did for one of my Graphic design classes - again i was only able to upload the photo of the printed work as the digital files had become corrupted.
Fictional Company Stationary - Business card - One of the business cards from my stationary project
Fictional Company Stationary - Letterheads - Letterheads for the stationary project, the bottom one was an example of using textures (one of the project requirements), the top one being the more practical of the two.
Fictional Company Stationary - Business card 2 - Another business card for the project
Book Cover - Arcane Compendium - Detail of the book cover
Ironskull poster - A poster I made recently to add to the existing content of the "ironskull" work.
Sacred Flower - wine label - Fictional Wine Label, the geometric design is known as "Metatron's Cube" which is part of the sacred geometric design "The flower of life" which i thought would be appropriate considering the name of the wine.
Event Horizon Logo - Fictional Company Logo
Instrumental Logo - Logo for a fictional music magazine.
Graphic Design