Otomodachi in Japanese share two words - Oto meaning sound and Tomodachi, meaning friend. Otomodachi is a set of speakers on wheels. Music that follows you. Providing adequate amount of sound only where you are, when you need it.
The theme was “smart home products”. How technology can enhance scenarios and lead situations to “smarter” solutions. Each group were given personas to design for. My group was assigned Tomiaki; a 40-year-old radio producer from Osaka, Japan. It was our job to make this person come alive, hyper-exaggerating his whole being and then, identifying potential issues in his typical day.
Certain elements develop a theme in Tomiaki's life. Two worlds of his work and his social life contribute to his taste in style, interests, and culture. This exercise further emphasized Tomiaki’s dynamic and contrasting characteristics as a person and his relationship with music.
The moment he comes home from work, he turns on his music. Especially on a given day where he doesn’t go out, he enjoys streaming his tunes until he winds down. However, living in a small apartment complex in the heart of Osaka city, he needs to be aware of his surrounding neighbors. It is out of his character to be inconsiderate and a nuisance to the people around him. How can he fully experience and enjoy his music but at the same time not disturb the peace?
With everything in mind, it was important to have this smart device reflect Tomiaki and his characteristics. Simplicity ultimately resulted in the shape Otomodachi became to be --- pair of speakers slapped on both side of wheels.
The coaxial drivers capture both mid and high range sound frequencies, delivering a full, solid sound. The mesh/ grill offered both aesthetic and utilitarian functions, exploring opportunities for customization while protecting the fragile components.
Otomodachi fits very nicely in Tomiaki’s life. It addresses his needs by reconciling his love for music and his respect for his neighbors.
Similarly to the Roomba, via infrared sensors, Otomodachi will automatically pull up to it's charging dock when it is running low on juice. The battery is then restored through inductive charging --- signified by the green light.
With infrared and bluetooth sensors, it tracks its user’s position via smart phone/tablet. Also with it, users can either stream their music playlist or tune in their favorite radio station seamlessly!

First term of my BFA program. The theme was "smart home products". I came up with Otomodachi, a roving speaker that follows the user via bluetooth and infrared sensors. R2D2 boombox. DJ Roomba.

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Isamu Jarman
Recent Graduate from University of Oregon Portland, OR