Frameri -- A company who explores the idea of one lens, many frames, they disrupted the eyewear industry by throwing on a design competition. Contestants were given three main lenses to work with and design around. I personally chose the "rectangle-round" lens shape. The end result of my iterations where a product of brand identity, design language, simplicity, honesty, and semi-professionalism.
-dad: Inspired by the Clubmaster style frames, playing with varying thickness and materials. Classic, timeless shape. Basically, what real men would have worn then, and would wear now. Made top 15 out of 106 entries and currently with most views! -mom: Retro chic. Modern take on 40's & 50's shape/ style frames. Basically, if your Grandma lived her 20's in current time.
Frameri Design Competition

Frameri -- A company who explores the idea of one lens, many frames, they disrupted the eyewear industry by throwing on a design competition. This was my take on it and it made top 15 out of 106 entries and currently with most views!

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Isamu Jarman
Recent Graduate from University of Oregon Portland, OR