Animated GIF made using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Size: 6.90 KB, dimensions: 122 by 126.
Smiley GIF

For the smiley animation I wanted to create something which not only rotated but also
changed color. To do this, I first used a star then used an inverted star, and then I used a third star to add depth and dimension. I then took this design, made in Adobe Illustrator, and converted it to Adobe Photoshop to make the GIF. In Photoshop, I made each front star a different color for
even more depth. I then used the timeline palette to animate our pictures into a GIF. Next, I had to use tweening to add frames in between to add more frames and change their position opacity, or placement In the end, I am very happy with how my GIF came out, and loved the process of making and designing it.