For 7 months I did volunteer work as Social Media for the Brechó Quintal da Carla and this was my first Photoshop project made by myself. More than that, I communicated with clients, taking care of all social media, producing content and making the brand's credibility. #photoshop #work #facebook #instagram
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic
Beauty clinic - Gifts for customers
Beauty clinic - Gifts for customers
Beauty clinic - Gifts for customers
Beauty clinic - Gifts for customers
Beauty clinic - Gifts for customers
Beauty clinic - Gifts for customers
Beauty clinic - Gifts for customers
Clothing store and Beauty clinic

Posts about clothing store and beauty clinic.
#photoshop #work #facebook #instagram

Isabela Sartori
Marketing Designer São Paulo, Brazil