About Instinct • Logos is the River of Time. | Aphorism by Iron Pluma
A Statement on the responsibility: Instinct prevents the madness, one can oppose the laws of the logos, without consequences.
a) In the fragments of Heraclitus has the expression of logos a prominent role and is classically interpreted as one the world through acting natural law.
b) Plato abstracted the expression logos then to the extent, that it is used with the meaning of "representation" or "explanation" as a philosophical vocabulary, but without to play a role in a central position.
c) Aristotle used logos eg. in the sense of "definition".
d) The Stoa sees in logos a rational principle of the ordered cosmos, a dormant origin, from which it is apparent all activities. He constituted both, the "causality" as well as an act-consequence relationship.
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