Bookmarks for promotions - A vibrant approach to engage the young people. Mainly for distribution in schools, colleges etc.
Homepage of the website - This is a community building site which encourages the users to start their own forum and continue interacting globally.
Icon set for the Footer - The icon set was developed to make the footer look more attractive as visual images create greater impact than text. A snap shot of the footer is also included to understand the entire look.
Icon set for the Help Page - Icons were developed for the different category of help topics.
Help Page
Second level of Help Page - Further the answers expand below the questions in the same page.
Activity Icons - This icon set was used to show various activities of a user.
Activity Page - This displays the icons from the icon set for a particular action.
Business Cards - A very informal style was chosen to highlight the active environment.
Banners and Posters
Feature List
Team Page
Case Instances - A link from the homepage to show how one can use a forum for different cases.
Discussion Page - The term 'Gab' had been coined to refer to discussions.
Page List
The pop up window for page creation
Page Display - This would contain options for Excerpts, Edit, SEO, Comments. A page could also function as a blog as it contains all the facilities.
Todo List
Todo Description - This contained the details of a task. It also allows user to comment and interact.
Profile Page of a user - A complete overview of all the activities of a particular user.
WebMeet - A application which allows user to chat and have conferences like webinars. It would be more useful for corporate forums. It has been designed like the planners and diaries we maintain to update the minutes of a meeting.
Mobile App for Forums (Homescreen)
Log in Screen
List of Forums
Discussions in Forum
Starting a Gab
Details of a particular discussion (Gab)
Commenting on a Gab
Ipsita Sarkar
Graphic Designer Pune, India