CD COVER - Using blending option to create a Cd Cover
Product Poster - Take a simple product and dispay in a vector layout
Fruit car - find a contest on and create an entry
POSTER - Create a motion picture
Masking - Take a furry animal and mask it into a picture with people that look like they ar looking at it.
POSTER - Create a motion Poster
Restoring a destoryed picture. (Original) - Pic any picture I can find and retore it.
Restoring a destoryed picture. (Finished for now) - Pic any picture I can find and retore it. Will need to do some better touch up the more I learn
Repairing a old picture - This is my first attempt on left and second attempt on right.
Healing brush project (Before) - Restoring miners eyes to make him look younger.
Healing brush project (After) - Restoring miners eyes to make him look younger.
Restoration of a picture (Destroyed version) - This week you will be completing the restoration of the famous American Gothic by Grant Wood utilizing the Clone Stamp Tool as discussed in class.
Restoration of a picture(Original) - This week you will be completing the restoration of the famous American Gothic by Grant Wood utilizing the Clone Stamp Tool as discussed in class.
Restoration of a picture(My fixed version) - This week you will be completing the restoration of the famous American Gothic by Grant Wood utilizing the Clone Stamp Tool as discussed in class.
vintage Kids desk - For this project you will be using the basic selection tools discussed today to recreate a composite of a vintage/antique desk complete with the things you might expect to find on such a desk.
John Maycock
Visual Communications Student Salt lake city, UT