Prodigy - Bringing music to life with Prodigy. Encompasses analogue and digital playing music which to add fun elements into the music listenning lifestyle. User wear it as the bracelet and as fashion accessories. Target market for the youth.
Photography - Picture taken using nikon which suppose to focus on the screw and compare it with the size of the thumbdrive. No photo editting was given to it. Pure photography.
Architectural Planning - Planning of a future city in Singapore by 2030. Proposed as a city on the bridge as land been fully utilized as other opportunity. People movement will be free in order to accomodate up to proposed 5000 people in the entire building. Estimated length of the entire bridge is at 3km span linking from main island of Singapore to a smaller island.
Product illustration and Advertisement - Illustration of personal communicating device using vector base to design the advertisement of the featured product.
Furniture Design - An inspiration of living furniture from the Ming Dynasty in which recreate it to be fit into modern home. proposed material as teak was to portray the entire living room feels more homely yet elegent.
Kelvin Choo
Singapore, Singapore