These cells are attached and create different typologies according to different social needs and are placed in an organic way, so that each of the cells (day stays) seeks the best north orientation, and functional night cells are placed at south, being the most unfavorable secondary orientations: the eastern and finally west. The joining of these cells is based on an organization of homes that capture the perfect lighting and orientation along the day and seasons and create some interconnected bags of green areas. Generally, the dwellings have a floor on the street level and get privacy because the user only can approach the house through the entry and not through the windows. The itineraries of entry to dwellings are on footbridges to street level. The footbridges are over the green areas which are at -3.2 and the user walks through the treetops which generates healthy feelings for the body and soul and and lives in close contact with nature.
At street level, different uses are hybridized: homes, offices and equipment compatible with housing applications. Offices and shops compatible with housing are mixed use with dwellings on ground floor. At level -3.2, offices, restaurants and bars are designed and are in close contact with nature and are collected and protected areas by winds. In the southern area, dwellings are raised in four heights and shadows are not created to all other dwellings. On deck, a water treatment plant is installed that collects rainwater and uses it for the consumption by the inhabitants. Vertical communication between the ground from level 0 to the lower is by a distribution of elevators and stairs along the public space where is ensured accessibility for disabled guests and supply of stocks. In the area of the party walls in the east boundary, a linear parking is projected and has 3 floors and lifts to get maximum number of parking spaces.
The whole roof is covered by solar panels which makes use elevators free energy. The parking solves the encounter with the other parcels and in addition, it is a parking-viewpoint where you can see the all houses. There are several types of dwellings: with 3 bedrooms, 2 and 1. Some of the interior walls are foldable so they can be adapted to different needs. There is a type which is duplex and it has a great space in the living room with a double height. The idea is that dwellings have the least possible impact on the environment and have a sustainable construction and are bioclimatic. The closings are made using Trombe. The cover of every cell is covered by solar panels and on the south by bibs made of GeoSilex, material capable of absorbing CO2 offsetting global warming.

Our idea consists of dwellings which are built through hexagonal and functional cells that are energy self-sufficient. Therefore, each hexagon corresponds to a function in the dwelling and generates the same or more energy it consumes. Excess energy complements other cells which need more energy as the kitchen.
Hexagonal cells are attached and have the property not to leave gaps and have obtuse angles, therefore this is a great geometry to build in a manufactured way.