The Chapel of Gratitude is a movil building which is built with a light cornstarch plastic structure and its skin is made of OLED lights. This structure is biodegradable but it is durable because it is protected with a waterproofing. The Chapel of Gratitude is nomad, it travels along the world.
People can give thanks and they can connect to internet and through a web, they write a message about gratitude and choose a OLED light. This OLED light turn on and peope can see it on the chapel through their computers o smartphones. In the chapel, there is a chair and a screen where you can see the messages about gratitude which are been written through the web.
STEPS to light the OLEDs of gratitude: 1. Connect to internet. 2. (This web does not exist) 3. Write your message about gratitude. 4. Choose the OLED light and materialize your gratitude. 5. Turn on the OLED light on the skin of the Chapel of Gratitude. 6. See it the nomad Chapel and your light on through the webcam.
Chapel of Gratitude

Spirit of World is Changing.
OLED lights of gratitude.
El proyecto se realizó para un concurso de aplicaciones OLED de placas de 14x14 cm.
La idea era un homenaje a la comunidad fan del movimiento "The Secret". La capilla viajaría por todo el mundo y los usuarios podrían encender y apagar los OLEDS desde internet, escribiendo un mensaje de gratitud que aparecería en la pantalla.
En la foto el padre Jony.