Phoenix Wealth Management - Target: Financial advisers, brokers and boomer investors Was: Boring ‘briefcase’ financial Wanted to be: Connected to the emotional needs of investors Inkwel helped create a print campaign with the tagline 'Add value to wealth.'
Phoenix Wealth Management - Target: Financial advisers, brokers and boomer investors Was: Boring ‘briefcase’ financial Wanted to be: Connected to the emotional needs of investors Inkwel helped create a print campaign with the tagline 'Add value to wealth.'
Phoenix Wealth Management - Target: Financial advisers, brokers and boomer investors Was: Boring ‘briefcase’ financial Wanted to be: Connected to the emotional needs of investors Inkwel helped create a print campaign with the tagline 'Add value to wealth.'
Phoenix Wealth Management - Target: Financial advisers, brokers and boomer investors Was: Boring ‘briefcase’ financial Wanted to be: Connected to the emotional needs of investors Inkwel helped create a print campaign with the tagline 'Add value to wealth.'
S&P's MarketScopeAdvisor - Brochure (outside) Targeting financial advisors, Inkwel helped develop messaging and copy to launch Standard & Poor's new web-based tool MarketScope Advisor.
S&P's MarketScopeAdvisor - Brochure (inside) Targeting financial advisors, Inkwel helped develop messaging and copy to launch Standard & Poor's new web-based tool MarketScope Advisor.
StockBack: Financial Service - Was: A new online service that enabled consumers to save directly into a mutual fund through daily purchases. Wanted: A name and logo for the launch that projected credibility, was benefit-driven and intriquing. Inkwel created: The name "StockBack." Logo design by Elke Aspillera.
Inkwel, pls...
Content, copywriting, branding, naming & more New York, NY