Talking Brains

Talking Brains is an exhibition that creates experiences, incites imagination and shows how language is connected to our biology. It has a fully immersive design that walks the visitor from the origins of mankind and language to their complex evolution.

It is an experience that goes beyond the exhibition walls thanks to the use of RFID cards. This radiofrequency technology allows to identify visitors and personalize their experience: the contents are shown in the language of choice and the installations can be enriched with personal data like date of birth, experiments results or the scores of games. Furthermore, this personal itinerary is registered and can be sent to the visitor’s email address if desired.

Talking Brains is structured in seven areas corresponding to the main topics: Unity in Diversity, The Evolution of the Linguistic Brain, The Acquisition Labyrinth, The Universe in the Brain, In Half a Second, The Disintegration of Language in the Brain, and Beyond Complexity.

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Indissoluble .
The Exhibition Factory Barcelona, Spain