Firewords - A book of wordplay and shape poems with fluorescent cover and black and white text. The design is simple and contemporary, complementing the poems rather than overpowering them
Firewords - A book of wordplay and shape poems with fluorescent cover and black and white text. The design is simple and contemporary - complementing the poems rather than overpowering them
Firewords - A book of wordplay and shape poems with fluorescent cover and black and white text. The design is simple and contemporary - complementing the poems rather than overpowering them
Football Fever - A whole book of poems devoted to the worlds most popular game, collected by John Foster. The book is illustrated by a collection of artists, and features a flip-page cartoon
In and Out the Shadows - A black and white book using retro 50s style graphics and a very clean simple layout
In and Out the Shadows - A black and white book using retro 50s style graphics and a very clean simple layout
A Poem for Everyone - A treasury of poems about people Illustrated by Laura Stoddard
Poetry Books
Darren Hayward
Multimedia Editor/Visual Journalist Hong Kong, Hong Kong