Let's Catch a Butterfly - Vocaloid Fanart. She is called Miku Hatsune. -------------------------------------------------------------- Sketch with pencil and paper Color in PS
Cloudy Watery - A Pirate-bbit is sailing in the fantasy land, where the sky and ocean become one. -------------------------------------------------------------- Sketch with pencil and paper Color in Photoshop
Friendship1 - An illustration about good friends. -------------------------------------------------------------- Sketch with pencil and paper Color in Photoshop
Friendship2 - Another friendship illustration. -------------------------------------------------------------- Sketch with pencil and paper Color in Photoshop
Futuristic Angel - Just want to get a futuristic angelic look. -------------------------------------------------------------- Sketch with pencil and paper Color in Photoshop
Happy Birthday Lonita - A birthday illustration for my beloved friend: Lonita. It's a collaboration artwork with my friend Annisa Fitriani. She paint the man adn background, and I paint the cake and three little girls -------------------------------------------------------------- Sketch with pencil and paper Color in Photoshop
Hunghi - A request from my friend to draw her character as a christmas card. -------------------------------------------------------------- Sketch by Dillicia Vincent Color by me, done in Photoshop
Japanese Girl - I'm trying to use decorative paper as her pattern. -------------------------------------------------------------- Done in Photoshop
Kennichi Matsuyama - I drew him based on his photo. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Done in Photoshop
Miyavi - I'm his fan. I drew this one with photo reference too. This one took much time.@_@ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sketch and painting in Photoshop.
P!nk - One again, I'm her fan too (^______^) I trace her face, televisions, speaker, rose. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Done in Photoshop
Other's Illustration Style By Me - Practicing to draw like the other artist that I adore. I like the disney style the most. The first one is my style, the others are several artist style that I drew, to learn their characteristics. I need references to draw their styles. ------------------------------------------------------------- Done in Photoshop.
Cube-ist me (Kubisme) - This is old piece. Actually I wanna draw with perspective. It's a failed perspective OTL Lol, but I have a new ID now. Get bored with the old one already=/
Miku Hatsune - Vocaloid Fanart. Character design doesn't belong to me.
Mermaid Girl - Early design of the main character from the bilingual children story book: Be Diligent!, that I'm working at. This supposed to be the main character, but in this form, she is too pretty to be a nerd, lol So it can't be used.
Hanny Alexandra
Graphic Designer, Illustrator Jakarta, Indonesia