Volkswagen Beetle MP3 Player - A unit that follows the Beetle's style guide. The player can be either portable or docked into the cockpit of the car. The interface is simplified on the cover (left), while flipping it up (right) allows access to more complex functions.
Airport Lounge Display - This multilayered graphics screen was envisioned as a way to display airport information to passively attentive airport visitors, for example in a lounge or at a restaurant. The high number of dimensions of information are presented in various ways, not just text, to prevent information overload. For example, instead of displaying a written message about weather conditions, the background changes to reflect them visually.
The Electrolux Fridgerette - The Fridgerette is a concept designed in response to the brief for a Networked Home project in collaboration with Electrolux. Using an ethnographic approach in a user study, problems in the areas of storing and sharing food in the fridge among co-habiting adults were identified. The resulting concept can be described as having two main parts. The first, a modular paradigm that breaks up the fridge into private and shared compartments.
The Electrolux Fridgerette: A Refrigeration System for Shared Living Spaces - The Fridgerette is a concept designed in response to the brief for a Networked Home project in collaboration with Electrolux. Using an ethnographic approach in a user study, problems in the areas of storing and sharing food in the fridge among co-habiting adults were identified. Special attention was given to how products affected the social environment in the household. Through brainstorming and ideation a new fridge was designed to address the problems. The concept can be described as having two main parts. The first, a modular paradigm that breaks up the fridge into private and shared compartments. The modularity makes the whole system scalable, meaning there can be as many users as space in the household permits. The second part is the interactive face of the compartment unit, which serves both as a personalization feature and as a communication tool through technologies such as an enhanced derivative of magnetic poetry.
Visual library cataloguing
Academic work
Imon Deshmukh
Interaction Designer New England, MA