Main page chronicling the adventurers' triumphs.
Profile of one of the chosen bloggers.
Profile of one of the chosen bloggers.
Profile of one of the chosen bloggers. (And eventual winner.)
Overview of the Welsh Showdown challenges.
Fancy a little welsh? Of course, we just had to place a little of the local dialect in the site. (Makes for good SEO.)
Interior page of the site.
Interior page detailing one of the challenges.
Screenshot from a blogger-uploaded video.
Blog update from one of the chosen adventurers.
Screenshot from a blogger-uploaded video.
Twitter log detailing Challenge 1 of The Great Welsh Showdown.
The Great Welsh Adventure. For

The goal was to create online (organic) interest in Wales. So we invited 6 bloggers from all around the world to write and document their stay in the country. These writers were then christened as The Bold Six.

From paper making to sheep milking, a series of challenges awaited our adventurers -- thus The Great Welsh Showdown monicker. For further amplification, all six were required to document their respective adventures and blog about it to their followers.

Dan Holandez
Senior Creative (APAC) Singapore, Singapore