One of the key campaign images aimed to encourage young people to donate blood. The visual pun of opposites attracting each other is delibate.
Banner ad effort for the Singapore Red Cross' You're Just Our Type campaign.
Rich media efforts for the Singapore Red Cross' You're Just Our Type campaign.
The Singapore Red Cross campaign was also supported by outdoor efforts. Posters were set up at key bus stops within the city.
The Facebook group for the Singapore Red Cross' You're Just Our Type blood drive campaign. This effort also tapped key bloggers and had the distinction of being the country's first blogger-led blood drive. These aforementioned bloggers also used the official icon (see upper right image) in the Facebook profiles for added visibility.
Of course, my team also joined the Singapore Red Cross blood drive. That's me with Angie, our ageless receptionist. (Yes, I was her type, ha ha.)
Singapore Red Cross - Social Media/Integrated/Event 'You're Just Our Type' campaign

What we wanted to happen:
Encourage young Singaporeans to donate blood.

An integrated campaign driven largely by social media and blogging efforts, and complemented by out-of-home advertising.

The campaign:
How do you make a Singapore blood drive more appealing? By convincing local teens and single, young adults (the target market identified by the client) that they could potentially meet their future girlfriend or boyfriend. In other words, add a 'social mixer' angle leading to the actual blood drive,

More than heartening as over 200 donors showed up to the real world blood drive.

Dan Holandez
Senior Creative (APAC) Singapore, Singapore