Green Tea Project - Part I+II - Pursue my own body of work with a focus on the development of independant mechanisms for gererating design problems and solutions.
Green Tea Project - Part III - Act- To provide an answer or some action, solution to spread the word such as campaign, product etc. which design is responsive, comprehensive + beautifully designed.
Green Tea Project - Part III
Public Media Works - Creating a bold + energetic visual identity.
Public Media Works - Website
Public Media Works - Brochure/DVD
Rebranding Jarritos - Goal was to freshen up the logo by making sure it still stays true to the current brand. The key element to revise to new logo was simplicity with a touch of elegance.
Literary Arts - Outreach Communication Piece - Project goals were to generate greater awareness of Literary Arts by promoting Literary Arts programs.
Literary Arts - Persuasive Media Campaign
Literary Arts - Type Motion Piece
Information Design - AutoBiography Narrative - Main approach was to use both analytical and conceptual. Giving a clear presentation of maximum information in minimal space.
Information Design - Meth Epidemic in Oregon - Main goal was to use multiple methods to communicate : analytical, conceptual, documentation (data) + expressive. It was important to incorporate data in as multiple layers in the final design that is visually rich and conceptually compelling.
Bboy I - Symbolism
Bboy II - Illustration
Web Design I - The challenge for this project was to redesign the look and feel of the site from the old to contemporary.
Web Design - Flash - [Flash Storyboard]
Typography - FInal design objective: using the font Arial Bold, by rotating the letters in 90 degree angles and creating geometric shapes within those letters.
Photography I
Photography II
john ross - environmental design
In Baek
Communications Designer Portland, OR