Washed up Laundry, 2014, S1 color : In this image I was looking for something to reveal that you wouldn't really notice. I figured that everyone would do the car because its right in the middle of the image but I figured that I would change it up. When I revealed the cap to the laundry detergent It really drags your eyes to look at other parts of the image which is what I was going for.
Orange Lego, 2014, S2 color: I figured that when I erased the Mio energy bottle that another blue item would make it better. Wrong decision. After I reviled another blue item it didn't really compliment the image. So then, I reviled the orange lego and I found that it really enhanced the image.
Chewy, 2014, Artists Choice: When I was given the option to do the artists choice, I wanted to reveal something that had multiple colors on one item. I found that the gum packet contained to biggest variety of colors compared to any other thing on my collage so that was my reason for revealing it
Recyclable Still-Life

Within these pictures my goal was to drag the eyes of the view to everything in the image and not just the the part that is in color. I did this by highlighting certain items in areas that weren't really in an area of the image that stood out so that when you looked you would see the little details within the image.

Ian Cavanagh
Mr. Ian Cavanagh Sparta Township, NJ