Questioning the nature of an Appliance - Electrolux design lab brief: Home appliances for young professionals... Should an appliance look like one?.....Should it occupy dead space when not in use?.....Can it be multi-dimensional?.... These are the questions i have tried to answer in my exploration.... The end result is a piece of furniture in the PASSIVE state and an appliance in the ACTIVE state.... No one other than the user knows the fact that it is an appliance camouflaged as furniture.
Questioning the nature of an Appliance - Clothes are loaded into a mesh as shown The cleaning process is through a stream of ionized air passing through internal chambers as explained later. The process thus saves up on water and detergent.
scenario - Interaction as furniture
scenario - Interaction as an appliance
scenario - Enter the data
Sectional view - 3 sections...minimal moving parts... exploring beauty inside and out
Exploded view
Movement of ionized air
Movement of ionized air
Alternative Clothes Cleaner
Harsha Vardhan R
Harsha Vardhan R Bangalore, India