The Maze - The project was aim to demonstrate an understanding of the principles and concept, and present it in an informative manner to communicate the understanding of the colour theory in an applied manner.
The Maze - Birth - The concept was to apply the idea of journey through life (birth - childhood - adult - elderly - death) into a maze. Pure white was used to represent the beginning of life - birth.
The Maze - Death - Black and constricting door to represent death and juxtaposition between white (birth) and colour.
The Maze - Childhood - Primary colours (RED, BLUE, YELLOW) were used to represent the primary stage of life.
The Maze - Elderly - Primary, secondary, and neutral colours were used to represent memories.
The Maze - Elderly - Primary, secondary, and neutral colours were used to represent memories.
The Maze - Adult - Neutral colours were used to represent stable, mature, refined, and sophisticated.
Colour Studies - 2008
Hui Wang
Brisbane, Australia