Panaromic View at the entrance
Partitions and carpets that lead towards the hostess
Sound domes over the workstations that create acoustic privacy.
I call it the circle canopy that has creates acoustic privacy and also acts as a storage unit and writing space for the users.
Detailed view of the circle canopy shelving unit
The canopy extends upto the breakout room upstairs and becomes a high counter table.
The breakout room is comparatively muter than the space downstairs. It provides as a retreat for the employees who want to relax from the busy atmosphere downstairs. The circle seatings provide a space that has a sense of enclosure for the one who sits here. The lighting here plays an important role here, giving a character to the white space here.
This is the other side view of the breakout room. The furniture used here are such that they can function and be changed as a couch or as an ottoman depending upon the need of situation
The circle seatings have hidden lighting incorporated within it to provide a glow within the seating. So maybe if you want to read inside these seatings, you could read and do your other work with adequate lighting
Maersk Office Design

Maersk office project required the students to find an acoustic solution that encouraged acoustic privacy for the open plan workstation and to design an engaging breakout room.
My goal as a designer was to use the concept of round oil drops creating a sense of warmth in the space.

Farzana Hoque
Interior Designer Melbourne, Australia