Depth of Field, 2014. Mary Emerson married the love of her life, Samuel Emerson, who died in a car crash 20 years ago. Mary was depressed for months after. She was driving down the same road her husband died on, and stopped right where the accident scene used to be. Suddenly, within the blink of an eye her car was rear-ended and she died on impact. She peacefully rests in her grave right next to her husband. Witnesses have supposedly seen her ghost standing by her and her husbands grave stone. The camera settings are 1/125, f/11, and ISO 200.
Depth of Field, 2014. Margo comes to this spot in the woods every day after school and thinks about life. She throws rocks into the stream wishing for a better life or for someone to be her friend. She's made fun of at school, ignored, and things are rough for her at home. Just sitting here with nothing else around her, gives her a sense of piece. The camera settings are 1/125, f/11, and ISO 200.
Depth of Field

Depth of Field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph.

Hope Nafis
Student Sparta Township, NJ