[Designed in collaboration with Dustin Williams] This campaign is for an organization called cleangreen.com which focuses on laundry habits that are healthy for the environment. Playful tag lines are used throughout for humor and to persuade the viewer to visit the website. This tag line "Stuff it. Do you?" refers to doing full loads of laundry as opposed to several small ones.
[Designed in collaboration with Dustin Williams] This campaign is for an organization called cleangreen.com which focuses on laundry habits that are healthy for the environment. Playful tag lines are used throughout for humor and to persuade the viewer to visit the website. The tag line "Laundry diversity. Do you?" refers to mixing and matching your darks and lights to make larger loads.
[Designed in collaboration with Dustin Williams] This campaign is for an organization called cleangreen.com which focuses on laundry habits that are healthy for the environment. Playful tag lines are used throughout for humor and to persuade the viewer to visit the website. The tagline "Let it all hang out. Do you?" refers to line-drying your laundry when possible.
[Designed in collaboration with Dustin Williams] This campaign is for an organization called cleangreen.com which focuses on laundry habits that are healthy for the environment. Playful tag lines are used throughout for humor and to persuade the viewer to visit the website. The tag line "Cold and heavy. Are you?" refers to using cold water for all your laundry.
[Designed in collaboration with Dustin Williams] This campaign is for an organization called cleangreen.com which focuses on laundry habits that are healthy for the environment. Playful tag lines are used throughout for humor and to persuade the viewer to visit the website. The tag line "Re-lint-less. Are you?" refers to cleaning out the lint trap regularly to save energy.
[Designed in collaboration with Dustin Williams] This campaign is for an organization called cleangreen.com which focuses on laundry habits that are healthy for the environment. Playful tag lines are used throughout for humor and to persuade the viewer to visit the website. The tag line "Late nights. Do you?" refers to doing your laundry later in the night when not as many appliances are running to save energy.
Cleangreen guerilla ad campaign

Cleangreen guerilla ad campaign

Holly Wright
Student Warrensburg, MO