brick game - Taken from the idea that such a boring, bland game can produce interesting and aesthetically pleasing patterns
i'm a little teapot - This was stuck in my head one afternoon, I wanted to illustrate both the simplicity of the poem, as well as the cheeky-ness!
eat me! - I just wanted to eat chocolate
an ugly duckling - From the well-know story, I wanted to express how we often have distorted views of our appearance, thinking of ourselves as 'ugly ducklings' - while others may see us as beautiful swans.
a new symbol for peace - I wanted to re-draw the iconic 1960's symbol for peace, in a contemporary sense. The style and colours are expressive of the war that still carries on today.
not to be
bring change - 2010 - inspired by the idea that the year 2010 should bring change - people need to become more environmentally aware
give 'em the fingers
Holly Smith
Auckland, New Zealand