New Venture Logo - New Venture wanted a logo with a compass but wanted it to not be too linear with an artistic touch.
A Flair for Elegnace - April Coltharp needed a new, fresh logo design for her unique event planning business.
Yountville Community Church Logo in CA - Promotion for new church plant in CA. They are near vineyards in the valley so wanted a similar feel to the design.
My Travel Scoop Logo - Identity created for a new web design business.
Johnson Property Rentals - Logo design for a local property leasing company
House Campaingn Logo - Logo Designed for the Delta Delta Kappa Sigma reuild project at University of Florida.
Velocity Christian Church - Logo designed for a corporate church crowd.
Villa Ridge - Logo design for new apartment complex
Westmore Dentistry - Logo designed for local dentist
Summit View Church Logo
Allen Optical - Logo design for Allen Optical
Christ the King Logo - Church wanted a more gothic type cross with a braided or unique design for a protestant church.
Precision Home Care - Logo for local in Colorado
Bridge of Hope Logo - Bridge of hope wanted a modern day bridge with a corporate feel to it.
Common Ground Logo - Church plant wanted a linear logo depicting a path made with earth tones.
CrossPointe Logo - New chruch plant watned a modern logo of red and purple with slight references to the cross.
Discovery Community Logo - New church wanted an elegant yet compass type design with the east pointing at the D.
HeartLand Logo - Heartland wanted an unusual heart design with calligraphy strokes.
Town and Country Logo - Church wanted a unique tree design that expressed a cross in a non-obvious way.
The Journey Logo - New church plant wanted to signify a road in their logo design.
Bethel Logo - Church logo design
Adventureland Logo - Logo design for children's ministry in California
Standing Tall Logo - Logo for local liscenced home daycare provider