Wedding Invitation - This tri-fold direct mailer invitation was made for my friend's wedding. The outside consists of the appropriate addresses along with the story of their engagement (in her own words). The front includes the main invitation, a map to both the church and reception, and the rsvp card which is perforated for an easy and envelopless return to the brides parents. The design is inspired by the blue bridge in Grand Rapids which is where he made the proposal.
Brown & Leger - These were created for my cousins bridal shower. It was couples shower and we wanted to make it a fun coed environment. The logos were also incorporated on actual beer (and root beer) bottles for party favors.
The New Yorker - Fourth of July magazine design for The New Yorker.
Emmanuel Lutheran - My current church asked that I create a tshirt design to the phrase "To possess The Word of God once must become possessed by The Word of God." The design is made up of a hand drawn sketch complimented by the use of typography. The front of the tshirt states the name of the church and the city Dearborn, MI.
Kangaroo Crossing - Wine label design.
Max & Ermas - Menu concept created for general manager to present to our corporate office.
Fashion Design Poster - Poster design created for class as a "brief" project on the side to learn how to balance multiple jobs at once.
CD Cover - CD re-design. This was also a "brief" project created for class to improve our multitasking and quick design skills.