Hand Lettering | Book Cover Art | Red Dress Ink | 21 Steps to Happiness Fun lettering, curved like an arrow pointing to the scooter and also the wake of the scooter. What Fun!
Type Design for Author Logo - Brenda Joyce - Well designed type for an author's name enhances the cover art and the shelf appeal of a book. The type design creates an instantly recognizable identity for the author and since the name is used on many book cover images over time, the balance between cover space used and harmony with the authors writing style is of prime importance.
Harlequin Historical Romance | Book Titling Mysterious moodiness is achieved in these titles with a low x-height and a rough edge. The period feel comes through loud and clear and sets the stage for pure historical romance. Reminiscent of classic Gothic romance.
Type Design for Author Logo - Jasmine Cresswell - Well designed type for an author's name enhances the cover art and the shelf appeal of a book. The type design creates an instantly recognizable identity for the author and since the name is used on many book cover images over time, the balance between cover space used and harmony with the authors writing style is of prime importance.
Lettering for Book Title - Girls Guide to Witchcraft - Good lettering can add to the atmosphere of the cover art of a book. This is part of a set of books where all the titles are similar in nature - but different in treatment. It gives visual interest to a long title that necessitates a large portion of the cover.
Book Titling | Lettering | Dark Road to Darjeeling The word 'Darjeeling' and the style of lettering designd here immediately transports us to the historic heart of India. I can already smell the spices in the air.
Type Design for Author Logo + Book Title - This suspenseful romance needed edgy custom designed lettering to help set the mood. This cover won an award.
Lettering for Book Titles - Thriller - The author names are treated to a raw style of type that gives a real feel for the kind of tales that are told inside.
Hand Lettering Design for Book Titles The handlettering for this series immediately sets the mood for these luxuriant Elizabethan era romances.
Lettering for Book Cover - Delilah - talk show host. - The book's cover lettering becomes a radio host's logo. The signature style lettering is both strong yet soft - speaking immediate volumes about the personality of 'Delilah'.
Lettering for Book Titles - Sapphire - Subtle elements (such as the 'p' joining with the 'h') create a romantic flow in this designed lettering.
Harlequin Blaze - Series Logo - Brand - Romance novels that have that 'extra' spice needed spiced up lettering for their series brand.
Book Cover Art Lettering - Questions to Ask Before Marrying - Sometimes well designed lettering is all you need and can be the ideal solution when the title is long. The Calligraphic look of this designed title fit well with the wedding theme.
Type Design for Book Cover Art

Designing a look for an author's name or a book title requires very different approaches.

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Ivan Angelic
Hand Lettering Design | Typography | Custom Type Vancouver, Canada