Interactive Poster Design for Social cause

Save architecture Brief : Create a poster on save architecture.
Challenge : Preserving architecure is main area of concern as gifting diverse architecture to next generation is the best
gift. As well as to save heritage values.
Strategy : My Idea was to save patterns as on saving patterns ultimately architecture will be saved. I have prepared QR CODE for further details on scanning QR CODE one can get proper idea of the concept.

ART FOR CHILDREN IN NEED Brief : Create a poster for benefits of underprivelaged kids.
Challenge : NGO Sovereign art foundation will organized art competition in which art exhibition would be held and through the winning entry under-priveleged students would be benefited. Create poster in support with this foundation.
Strategy : On inserting a coin,the light(which is fixed inside the blue donation box) turns on and the faces of the underprivileged children gets lit up which signifies the benefits of donation.

Hitarthi Shah
jr visualizer Mumbai, India