Trinity Lamp 1 - This Lamp was inspired by the first nuclear test bombing, Trinity. Its a kind of Critical Design object. The idea is that, 2 of man's greatest scientific breakthroughs are combined in one product. However, there are some complicated pleasure involved with Nuclear power, because of what devastation it has already caused the world.
Trinity Lamp - This Lamp was inspired by the first nuclear test bombing, Trinity. Its a kind of Critical Design object. The idea is that, 2 of man's greatest scientific breakthroughs are combined in one product. However, there are some complicated pleasure involved with Nuclear power, because of what devastation it has already caused the world.
Transparent Lamp - A puzzle lamp, A DIY lamp that enables you to build your own uniqie lamp.
Green lamp 2 - A puzzle lamp, A DIY lamp that enables you to build your own uniqie lamp.
A puzzle lamp, A DIY lamp that enables you to build your own uniqie lamp.
Mads S. Hindhede
Industrial Designer Copenhagen, Denmark