Heavy rain
Look Through The Window
Out Of The Hole - This photo I took when I was hunting photography in the Netherlands Cave at Dago Pakar. At that time, we must pass through this tunnel to be able to go another part of where we were before. This photo can mean, life in which we live, whatever dark as it would end.
Jumpin' The Bike - Freezing technique with my Minolta XE-1. Setting in f 4, 1/500s.
Down Hill Jumping! - one of my photographic work. Photos taken on one of my activities in Cikole, Lembang, Down Hill on a bike event, November 2010. I use my film camera Minolta XE-1 with MD Rokkor 58mm lens.
Walk the way - one of my photographic work. Photos taken on one of my activities in Cikole, Lembang, Down Hill on a bike event, November 2010. I use my film camera Minolta XE-1 with MD Rokkor 58mm lens.
The Tree's - Tree line located in Dago Pakar. I use a Minolta XE-1 camera with lens MC W. Rokkor 28mm.

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Hilman Nugraha
Industrial Product Design Bekasi Regency, Indonesia