Bervin BAP-11; scratch product concept sketch-1
Bervin BAP-11; scratch product concept sketch-2
Bervin BAP-11; rendering perspective top right view
Bervin BAP-11; rendering front view
Bervin BAP-11; rendering detailing BERVIN brand on BAP-11 main body
Bervin BAP-11; rendering branding our company web
Bervin BAP-11; simulation rendering BAP-11 on bed room
Bervin BAP-11; simulation rendering BAP-11 when it attached on AC (*AC design courtesy by Samsung Electronic)
Bervin BAP-11; simulation rendering of BAP-11 when it attached on AC in living room
Bervin Air Protector BAP-11 Design; 2016

Bervin Air Protector BAP-11 is an original product designed by Bervin Industry Indonesia. It has made to protected the user from the direct wind from air conditioner.

Developed from early 2015, prototyping process in early 2016, until released to the market on late 2016. We made some alternative concept, design sketch, shape, mechanism and more from early designing process. Until we found an ideal shape and concept for this product.

It has produced on Bervin Industry factory, and sell over on several area in Indonesia.

We can say, it is a first AC protector in Indonesia

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Hilman Nugraha
Industrial Product Design Bekasi Regency, Indonesia