Tomahawk Search and Rescue - Model in the future?

Fooling again - Super camber

Sting Ray - Form and Value Study

Super Stretch - Keep working on this stretched form, maybe too much

Studying forms again - Mobster car, full wheel cover

Late night study - Clean form and smooth elements

Another go with this style - fast and clean, liking it so far

Couped - Wide body canson style

Sportster Paint - Paper sketch to photoshop

Whats up with Smart Cars? Make em' fast - Quick and dirty eco car, around 2 hours start to finish with SBP

Beetle Van - Forced perspective...maybe too much

Red line Mix - Playing with speed sketching and fish eye tilt up. about an hour

Charged - Dodge hatch back, muscle form

BMW - Sketchbook and photoshop from a pen sketch

Revo Single Seater Render - Designed for fun driving, single seater. My first real digital painting. Took roughly 4 half days after work.

The 38 Special - New mobster car, old mobster scenery. Very wide and over built. Sort of a dress car, but with a muscle car twist.

Electric Utility Vehicle - A profile for an electric car concept, mostly I was practicing ways to paint reflective surfaces.

Rendering In Photoshop/Sketchbook

Rendering In Photoshop/Sketchbook