I was inspired by Art Nouvea paintings. When I went out to find a model for the image, I found am image of a model that really spoke to me and what I wanted to accomplish. I decided to use African patterns and colors to mix Nouvea with African art.

This was a project to create a poster using gradients and transparencies.

This was an assignment in school. The assignment was to redraw have of an image using Adobe Illustrator and utilizing the Gradient Mesh tool. The instructor didn't believe that I drew this and didn't use other means to achieve this affect. He said "it wasn't cartoony enough."

This is the emblem my grand father's unit used when he was in the army. My mother found a very small version of this online and asked if I could make it bigger. I redrew the whole thing in Illustrator so she could make it as big as she wanted.

This is a T-Shirt design created for MDA Summer Camp in 2013. The Theme was Road Trip USA and since this camp was for the Colorado and Wyoming chapter of MDA, they thought it would be cool to use the CO and WY license plates.

This was created to be printed on an invite to a bachelorette party where the attendees were going river rafting.

Pop Culture Jesus (Created in Photoshop)

The client wanted a T-shirt design showing an angry Jesus "flipping tables." I thought it decided to go for a cool Jesus basically looking at you like he is asking why you aren't flipping tables too.

This is a snowboard design that I created in Adobe Illustrator.
