As you can see, the borders around the pages differed depending on what sponsor level the sponsor paid for in the Ad Journal. The creates a quick visual reference for anyone looking through the journal to easily determine what level of donor each company was. I also chose these two pages because they are both ads that I created for the Ad Journal.
2018 Bash & Bash VIP Party

I was asked originally to create the "Ad Journal" for the 13th Annual Bash for Augie's Quest. After I started working, they expanded their request to include signage, Presentation Check Design, and PowerPoint Template. They went on to add an Invitation and signage for the VIP Meet and Greet after the main party.
As you can see, they wanted a Southern California/Mexico vibe. (Note: the logo and some materials were developed before any project was handed to me.)

Freelance, Full-time
Holly E. Liebendorfer
Freelance Graphic Designer Thornton, CO