Davison_Thought Lab 10 All of the similar images are variations of a scene in a proposed animation. The image is complete but the animation is still in progress. The story goes like this. ThoughtMaster a BT Barnum type of character has stumbled upon a unique creature in of all places a small Japans style pool and grotto in a small urban neighborhood. The creature wants to star in the greatest circus in the universe. Thought Master puts Eeeeeek! , Through hoops getting the creature ready for its debut. More on Eeeeeek can be found in the first issue of “What’s New Magazine” posted here in the portfolio.
Davison_Tumbling 9 This image shows a session where Thought Master with Eeeeeek, a cube with president Obama on face Portfolio indulges in a tumbling routine. The creature goes through many morphs and iterations showing its ability to change shape and color.
Eeeeeek! performing 2009

The main character(ThoughtMaster) has discovered an interesting creature from another dimension who wants to star in the mythological Greek legend Daedalaus menagerie circus of unique performers. ThoughtMaster is here putting Eeeeeek through some paces. The story board is not complete.

Devon Davison
Artist Designer Baltimore, MD