The Doll - Screenshot from my graduationfilm "The Doll" (MA, Illustration, Designskolen Kolding, Denmark, june: 2004) The sequence was created using Photoshop and MAYA. Screened at: *Cosmic Zoom, filmfestival, Copenhagen, Denmark, Febr. 2005.*Cartoon Forum, Kolding, Denmark, sept 2005. Link to movie:
Responsible - Screenshot from animated character created in MAYA. Based on a soundclip from an interview with the author Richard Morgan, Henrik created this short animated sequence. Direct link:
COPITO - In the beginning of 2005 I was contacted by Agnieszka at Tapurek-Verlag in Hannover, Germany to participate in the book-project "52-Hertz-whale". "Copito" is part of my contribution that consists of three images in total. Link to project: Image made in Photoshop: 24 * 18 cm 300 dpi
TocoManFanta - Concept art for the movie "A Day For Kings", animtated short under development, Copenhagen, Denmark. Photoshop: 800 *600 pxls
Another Looking Device - Created during the first part of my graduation project 2004 dealing with image sequences, and a poem by the danish poet Louis Jensen. Pencil on paper. About 10*10 cm.