deficient space - 150 years ago, zürich missed the chance to reorientate its center towards the lake - gottfried semper failed with his attempt for the kratzquartier masterplan in 1858. today, the lake is mostly cut off from the city by big roads and is mainly accessible for ship owners. the view of the mountains over the calm water, the movement of the ships during the summer and the relaxing atmosphere at the water front is something that can be hardly experienced in zürich. my concept tries to establish a space for these activities and enjoyments. two important axes through the city are extended into the water, they collide and create a communicative structure providing new views and lake-side spaces for all sorts of acivities. 2004 - graduation project at the university of art and media zürich, switzerland
platform for design - the given task was to revitalize an old industrial facility in the center of frankfurt a.m. the drawn-out building for former grinding machine production was dominated by a symmetric and functional cold steel skeleton. inserting a more organic, naturally flowing space provokes a dialogue of old and new and visualizes the temporary character of the new utilization: a platform for an international architecture and design dialogue. the new site accommodates a workshop, an auditory, exhibition space, a library, a cafe and a hotel. 2003 - graduation project at the university of applied sciences darmstadt, germany
platform for design - view of the interior - the given task was to revitalize an old industrial facility in the center of frankfurt a.m. the drawn-out building for former grinding machine production was dominated by a symmetric and functional cold steel skeleton. inserting a more organic, naturally flowing space provokes a dialogue of old and new and visualizes the temporary character of the new utilization: a platform for an international architecture and design dialogue. the new site accommodates a workshop, an auditory, exhibition space, a library, a cafe and a hotel. 2003 - graduation project at the university of applied sciences darmstadt, germany
life on 25sqm - space and comfort are very expensive in busy central tokyo. this interior provides its residents with moveable shelfs, table, sofa and a lowering bed. while still a single, gary needs a big office area and not too much comfort. after his marriage and the birth of their first child the demands towards space change. the flexible apartment design allows the young family to rearrange their space and its use according to their present needs. 2000 - project at the university of applied sciences darmstadt, germany
interactive carpet - ruckstuhl, a famous swiss carpet manufacturer, asked for a new way to promote their products through the internet. my idea was to join interactive features and new production capabilities to emphasize ruckstuhls innovative qualities. the new website provides the user with three main areas of interaction: a selected designer per season creates a toolbox of stamps, allowing customers to generate their versions of her/his design. visitors can try to dominate the monthly carpet design competition and a gallery offers all previous designs for purchase on a limited basis. along those new interactive parts, the website features of course regular product and company information pages. 2001 - winning project, ruckstuhl design competition
Tanja Held
Singapore, Singapore