Logo design process.
webpage design
My complete identity. Contains CV, applicatiom, envelope, sketchbook cover, business cards, buttons, CD with digital portfolio, poster and some small things to personalize the consept.
Self promotion

Personal identity for me as a graphic designer and for my freelance business, Heidi Aalerud Design.
This project started as a student project and the assignment was to design a logo, business card, CV and application for self promotion.

My influence comes from the music genre EBM (Electronic body music), a heavy kind of electronica often with an industrial feel. I chose the gear as my personal symbol as I think it represent hard work and productivity.
To further nourish the industrial aspect, I made a slogan or a saying for my self: I am factory -feel my engine, see my gears, enjoy my work. I hope this makes people curious about me and my work.

Heidi Aalerud
Freelance Graphic Designer Oslo, Norway