Aqua Alta - This project was for an applied dreams in october 2004. The context is Venice and the players are the tourists. How to get tourists to interact with each other and with the locals. For this project we went t0 Venice for 1 night. We spent the day walking around and observing tourists and popular locations. During our stay there in the morning we walked out the hotel door and the streets were flooded. I had no boots on and got wet feet. A few locals were wearing fashionable boots.
MOOV - 'Have you moved to another country or within the country or even within your city? If you have, you have relocated. Think about the last time you moved, who packed the boxes, could you find the belongings you needed most urgently on arrival, where was that frying pan again? Did you remember to take the documents you need to show to the bank when you get to the new location? There are many incidents when relocating of losing things and forgetting where you packed things. Relocating and packing is very functional and not much of a personal experience. When moving there are many different things happening at once. You are leaving behind what is familiar and comfortable and moving to the unknown. When you move you lose all your reference points and the phenomenon for this is called cultural shock. Cultural shock happens because people are not in their environments, many local customs and habits are different from yours, so you have to adapt and this is what makes it hard, to change and learn so much in little time.
Identities in flow - MISSION Identities are becoming more and more public, what if your identity no longer is a secret, everyone can have access to your identity? How can we have several identities, manage them and use them in the appropriate context and moment. CONTEXT With the brief being open we chose to concentrate on large public spaces, where many people walk through and come to for different reasons to accomplish different tasks. Parcs, shopping centers, train stations and airports are some of the examples of the spaces we thought would be interesting to explore. We decided to place our project and design exploration in the airport, because it involves dynamic groups of people. We found airports to be a very interesting space with a large amount of flow.. Airports are 'small worlds' where many different different organizations are working tpgether to make the airport work.
service design
Hayat Benchenaa
Lead Interaction desinger London, United Kingdom