Knoth Beacon is an art library dedicated to providing a vibrant minimalist space for artists, art enthusiasts, and researchers. Located in a peaceful urban retreat, the library houses an extensive collection of art books, digital archives, and interactive installations.
Mission Statement: "To provide a serene yet vibrant environment that fosters a deep appreciation for art, encouraging creativity, exploration, and inspiration." Vision Statement: "To be a premier destination for art enthusiasts and researchers, recognized for our unique blend of serenity and vibrance, and our commitment to nurturing artistic passion."
The color palette embodies both the soothing warmth of a sunset and the invigorating energy of a dawn, reflecting the library's offers a peaceful environment that sparks creativity and inspiration.
Utilizing a layout and illustration style that is minimal, uncomplicated and impactful, helping the viewers digest the contents easily.
Knoth Beacon
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Harrison Osagie
Visual identity designer Benin City, Nigeria