MetEye main screen
MetEye™ (2012)

I designed the MetEye™ viewer (2012), a multiple award-winning, browser-based mapping interface (GIS), used to visualize weather data for Australia. Try it at the URL below.

NOTE: MetEye is a large screen design, not optimised for mobile use.

MetEye provides a whole new way to view a range of BoM datasets. It allows the user to:

* select the data layers you wish to see in an easy-to-use interface
* pan and zoom, save your favourite locations, similar to mapping tools such as Google maps
* animate a range of official forecast grids (temperature, winds, wave height etc)
* overlay and animate a range of other data sources such as radar, satellite and weather prediction models

Meteye has won many awards:
2014 Geospatial World Excellence Award (team). Geospatial World Forum, Geneva.
2013 Technical Excellence - Victorian Spatial Excellence Awards (team)
2012 Overall Excellence - Excellence in eGovernment Awards (team)
2012 Geospatial category - Excellence in eGovernment Awards (team)

View Website
Harry Kontos
Senior UI/UX Designer and Design Anthropologist Melbourne, Australia